In an Easy and Relaxed Manner Meaning



adj , easier, easiest

1 not requiring much labour or effort; not difficult; simple
an easy job

2 free from pain, care, or anxiety
easy in one's mind

3 not harsh or restricting; lenient
easy laws

4 tolerant and undemanding; easy-going
an easy disposition

5 readily influenced or persuaded; pliant
she was an easy victim of his wiles

6 not tight or constricting; loose
an easy fit

7 not strained or extreme; moderate; gentle
an easy pace, an easy ascent

b (of a market) characterized by low demand or excess supply with prices tending to fall
Compare tight 10

9 Informal ready to fall in with any suggestion made; not predisposed
he is easy about what to do

10 Slang sexually available

11 easy on the eye
Informal pleasant to look at; attractive, esp. sexually

12 woman of easy virtue a sexually available woman, esp. a prostitute

13 Informal in an easy or relaxed manner

14 (Informal.)
easy does it go slowly and carefully; be careful

a to use in moderation

16 stand easy (Military) a command to soldiers standing at ease that they may relax further

a to avoid stress or undue hurry

b to remain calm; not become agitated or angry
vb , easies, easying, easied

18 usually imperative (Also) easy-oar to stop rowing
(C12: from Old French aisié, past participle of aisier to relieve, ease)
Easy is not used as an adverb by careful speakers and writers except in certain set phrases: to take it easy; easy does it. Where a fixed expression is not involved, the usual adverbial form of easy is preferred: this polish goes on more easily (not easier) than the other

adj (esp. of a fabric or garment) hardwearing, practical, and requiring no special treatment during washing, cleaning, etc.

easy chair
n a comfortable upholstered armchair

easy game , easy mark
Informal a person who is easily deceived or taken advantage of


1 relaxed in manner or attitude; inclined to be excessively tolerant

2 moving at a comfortable pace
an easy-going horse

easy meat

1 someone easily seduced or deceived

2 something easy to get or do

easy money

1 money made with little effort, sometimes dishonestly

2 (Commerce) money that can be borrowed at a low interest rate

Easy Street
n sometimes not caps
Informal a state of financial security

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no picnic


not an easy task

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1. the operation or work of cutting grass and curing it for hay 2. the act of taking full advantage of an easy opportunity

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low hanging fruit


something easy to get

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it's a piece of cake


something is easy to do

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ponce around


to behave in a pretentious manner

fashionistas poncing around wearing designer earphones

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combination of "well" and "easy"


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end on a high note


finalize smth. successfully / in a positive manner

E.g.: The negotiations were tough, but they ended on a high note

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dance in a both sensual and provocative manner involving a low squatting stance while thrusting hips and buttocks movements suggesting a sexual acte

Ex.: In 2013, a pop star twerking on stage at the MTV VMA created a huge buzz on social networks making the term "twerk" popular worldwide and likely contributing towards its entry in the dictionary

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be a pussy


behave in a manner that is commonly considered as specific to women

[Fam.] it is used most frequently when referring to men who show lack of courage or an excessive shyness or sensitivity. E.g Don't be a pussy; You're such a pussy

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make-up artist


person who is a specialist of make-up and who applies makeup in a professional manner

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pull rank on somebody


use the authority given by a position (in society, in a company etc.) to determine someone to act in a certain manner

E.g: He is not eager to attend the event, but he has to be there because his boss pulled rank on him.

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a square peg in a round hole


a misfit; something or someone looking/behaving in a manner that comes in contradiction with the general context

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